3. Cases

Coding for Cases

Now that we have created a case classification, the next step is to tell NVivo that any given piece of data within our project belongs to a case. Once we've done that, we can then tell NVivo that this case is a person, and to assign values to the attributes we created in the previous section.

Video: Understand Nodes and Cases in NVivo

The process of coding both nodes and cases is very similar in NVivo. In both cases, we're taking information from our data (highlighting and dragging) and then placing it in a container.

For nodes, our containers were themes like "Economy", or "Education". For cases, our containers are the "units of observation" like "Barbara" or "Peter".

This video helps explain the differences between the two, and should hopefully clarify what we've been discussing so far:

Assigning Classifications and Attributes

So, we have a case and we have a classification. The next step is to assign that case to a classification. To do this, we need to navigate to "case properties" by right or command clicking on the case. From there, we can use the two tabs in the window that opens up to add more information about our case, and to importantly assign it to a classification.

Once we've assigned a classification to our case, we can then begin assigning values to our attributes.

There are easier ways than the method provided in this module for assigning cases and classifications. When you import files, you can choose to import them as a case straightaway, which can save a lot of time during coding. There are also plenty of ways to navigate cases and classifications which aren't touched on here. As you gain experience with NVivo, you'll find shortcuts and methods that work best for you.

Video: Classifications and Attributes

This video highlights the ways in which you can more easily assign attributes to cases in NVivo for Windows. Similar functionality is availbale on the Mac version.

Task: Creating Cases and Linking to Classifications

  1. Just as you would for a node, create and code for a case in your data (for example, "Barbara".

  2. Assign that case to the classification which you created in the previous section.

  3. Assign values to the attributes which you created in the previous section.

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