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Want to get involved in the NVivo researcher community? I've created a Facebook group to help you all communicate and to ask technical questions about NVivo. If you find any parts of this site difficult to understand, or something just isn't working the way you think it should, I'd love it if you could let us all know on the page!
Anuja's blog is updated regularly, and I've found it a fantastic resource for reflections on the process of qualitative research.
If you can't find help on the Facebook group, the forums are a good place to search through to answer that pesky technical question about NVivo. It has great resources for Mac users too!
A great resource for all things graduate research!
For more training and services like these, make sure to have a flick through the Research Computing Services site at the University of Melbourne. We offer training in a wide range of digital tools and researcher communities and they're all run by lovely community coordinators!