2. Annotations

What's the Difference between Memos and Annotations?

Whilst memos are individual documents which you create in NVivo, annotations are recorded and stored alongside and within the file themselves. As such, Annotations are relevant for tracking things like comments or observations about specific information within files or nodes.

Video: Introduction to Import, Memo and Annotation

If you're anything like me, you might be working through these modules all in one go trying to learn everything you can about NVivo. One shortcoming about the approach that these modules take is that they can appear overly prescriptive. As per their design - you might think that annotations and memos come after you've coded textual information. This video instead places memos and annotations alongside importing files, and thus at the very beginning of your research using NVivo.

Task: Annotating your Research

  1. Create an annotation for a file

  2. Create an annotation within a node

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